The new residential estate will bring Port Praski closer to the metro and revitalize its riverside part!

The new residential estate will bring Port Praski closer to the metro and revitalize its riverside part!


Doki are the next stage of the expansion of the Port Praski project in Warsaw. A city-forming residential estate and attractive public space are planned along the quays of the former port. The concept includes publicly accessible boulevards and promenades, apartments with a view of the water, retail on the ground floors and 13.300 sq m. of greenery, including over 400 trees. The presented vision also assumes the modernization of the nearby primary school, the provision of harbor basins and the so-called green pier closest to the Wybrzeże Szczecińskie Street for recreational purposes. Residents will comment on the project as part of the investment dialogue.

So far, on the post-industrial area between the new pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the Vistula and the National Stadium metro station, downtown buildings have been built on the side of Okrzei Street. There are a total of approximately 900 apartments in ten multi-family buildings with services on the ground floor, including: a grocery store, a kindergarten, numerous restaurants, a post office, medical points, and soon also a clinic. The distinguishing feature of this place is the combination of a central location with the immediate vicinity of the river. The next chapter of the metamorphosis of the Praski Port will open the currently inaccessible area on the waterfront and one of the piers to the city and will become a place of recreation for everyone.

The presented project meets local urban planning standards and has received a preliminary positive opinion from the Office of Architecture and Spatial Planning of the Capital City of Warsaw. The concept in the atmosphere of a riverside district was prepared by our studio.

Our vision is to create a riverside estate similar to the European port districts of Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Hamburg or Oslo. However, the height of the buildings, ranging from 5 to 7 floors, retains the familiar scale of buildings in the Stara Praga area and the existing part of the Port Praski project. The composition of the new buildings will also refer to the local layout of Praga tenement houses. We also propose one building up to 10 floors high, surrounded on three sides by water, which will stand out visually. 

In addition to a functional space for living and spending free time, we plan to design rain gardens, green roofs, the use of energy-saving technologies and solutions favorable to pedestrians and cyclists.

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